Sunday, October 4, 2009


Rev Wong


To worship is:
*To quicken the conscience by the holiness of God
*To feed the mind with the truth of God
*To purge the imagination by the beauty of God
*To open the heart to the love of God
*To devote the will to the purpose of God

Worship is a word: to submit/total submission
Sincere worship- real, long years of experience of human soul

*A true understanding of who God is

Meaningful worship-experience with a sincere spirit
*humility, faithfulness, honesty,

Do we seek to hear from God?

*Get right with God and other person

We must worship in spirit and in truth
We must prepare as for a colourful experience
*Deep awareness-God is real, present

Isaiah 6:1-8 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. He was sitting on his throne, high and exalted, and his robe filled the whole Temple. Round him flaming creatures were standing, each of which had six wings. Each creature covered its face with two wings, and its body with two, and used the other two for flying. There were calling out to each other:

Holy, holy, holy!
The Lord Almighty is holy!
His glory fills the world."

The sound of their voices made the foundation of the Temple shake, and the Temple itself was filled with smoke. I said, "There is no hope for me! I am doomed because every word that passes my lips are sinful, and I live among a people whose every word is sinful. And yet, with my own eyes, I have seen the King, the Lord Almighty!"

Then one of the creatures flew down to me, carrying a burning coal that he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. He touched my lips with the burning coal and said, "This had touched your lips, and now your guilt is gone, and your sins are forgiven."

Then I heard the Lord say, "Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?"
I answered, "I will go! Send me!"

Join in prayer of confession (individual sins)

1 John 1:9- affirm that we are loved.

reading of Scriptures
Affirmation of faith
Sing songs and hymns
Renew dedication of Christ and kingdom

Worshipper needs adoration of thought
to hear the word proclaim
thank God for what he has done
vital relationship with God

Christian worship- not individualistic
Worship is central to the church as a whole
participation of us to the church
gives meaning / hope to our life

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

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