Monday, July 6, 2009

Investigating a joyfull life in spite of a global economic downture-Contending with discontentment

Rev Ricky Ho

21st July 2009

*Everything is relative!
*Sometimes we don't know how well off we are until we see the other side of things

*1 of the greatest causes of believers not having joy in their lives is a lack of contentment
*Contentment is an illusive commodity today
*We all fall for the world's lies about the secret of contentment
*does not lie on wealth but old attitude toward what the Lord gave us already
v. 12 -Contentment does not lie on wealth

3 greatest causes of discontentment
1. Unmet expectation
2. Unrealistic cravings -crave for what we don't have
3. Unresolved insecurities-upbringing
*Serious prob

1. v.11 -contentment is a learned state
Paul said that he had to "learn to be content"

Numbers 6:24-25-did not touch on prosperity but presence of God with us

2. Contentment comes from learning to appreciate what we have in Jesus Christ
Paul says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Look to the Lord is good or bad times

4 Practical steps
Conclusion - to become a more contented person
1. Learn to act better than you feel
2. Refuse to compare yourself with others
We have been blessed in so many ways
3. Accept the way they are and don't let them expect what you want that person to be
4. Accept things as they are and not like you would like them to be.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

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