Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 31, July

Choose the Narrow Path

Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it. Matthew 7:13-14

Even when we know the right thing to do, it can be difficult to do if we don't feel like it. We may feel like lying in bed much longer than we should, even when we aren't sleepy anymore. Sometimes we know we ought to keep our mouth shut, but we don't feel like it.

The way to victory is a narrow path that requires discipline regardless of our feelings. Sometimes it may look too narrow to even squeeze through. But victory comes by obeying God's Word to us, in spite of our feelings. Follow faith, not feelings, today.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 30, July

Crucify Selfish Attitudes

All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41

To live in victory, we can't make decisions according to the way we feel, or by what we think we want. The Word teaches that we are born with appetites sensitive to our human nature. Our natural flesh is carnal and unspiritual. It will keep us slaves to sin, unless we crucify it and follow what the Spirit of God leads us to do.

Studying God's Word will build your faith and keep you on the right path: "The wise also will hear and increase in learning, and the person of understanding will acquire skill and attain to sound counsel (so that he may be able to steer his course rightly)" (Proverbs 1:5)

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5 Things To Thank God For

Rev Ricky Ho

Psalm 103:1-3

26th July

*There are people who are thankful but some who are not.
*nomatter how terrible, God's help will always be that we can be thankful
*we have so many good reasons to be thankful

1. Blessing of forgiveness (v.3a) " He forgives all my sins"
*no mistake- offers forgiveness
*All that any person must only do is repent and forsake his sin
*God will forgive him and revoke plenty of sin
*Gratitude should then ascent to the throne of God

2. The Blessing of Redemption
*Not only redeemed souls from hell but redeem lives from clutches of devil
Psalm 40:2-3 He pulled me out of a dangerous pit, out of the deadly quicksand. He set me safely on a rock and made me secure. He taught me to sing a new song, a song of praise to our God. Many who see this will take warning and will put thier trust in the Lord.

3. Blessing of Healing (v.3b) "and heals all my diseases"
i) All healing is divine healing
ii) No disease or sickness lies beyond his healing power
iii) Psalmist is speaking to his sould
"Bless the Lord O My Soul"
diseases of the soul emanate from virus of sin
"For me to live is Christ, to die is gain"

4. The Blessing of Love & Compassion
*Loving kindness & tender mercies of the Lord accompany out lives every day
*Yet, there are some who find fault, grumble & complain
*Being ungrateful hinders the love of God

5. Blessing of Satisfaction & renew
Matthew 5:6 Happy are those whose greatese desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!
"Satisfy to renew youth like an eagle"
Psalm 107:9 He satisfies those who are thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
*Result of living fulfilled, satisfied, spiritual life
Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 Be careful about going to the Temple. It is better to go there to learn than to offer sacrifices as foolish people do, people who don't know right from wrong. Think before you speak, and don't make any rash promises to God. He is in heaven and you are on earth, so don't say any more than you have to. The more you worry, the more likely you are to have bad dreams, and the more you talk, the more likely you are to say something foolish.
*Constantly being renewed, refreshed, revived in my soul & God is doing it all.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Day 28 & 29, July

Make Time with God a Priority

Then Jesus, knowing that they meant to come and seize Him that they might make Him king, withdrew again to the hillside by Himself alone. John 6:15

If the devil can't convince you to be idle and passive, he will drive you to do too much. As soon as you are out of balance, he can devour you
1Peter 5:8 Be alert, be on the watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

The word disciple comes from the word discipline. To be a disciple of Jesus, you must discipline yourself to follow His ways.

Jesus spent a great deal of time going about doing good for people, but He balanced His time by getting alone to pray and commune with the Father. Time with God renews your strength to do good things that you want to do for others. Live a balanced life by spending time with Him.

Walk in Love

And walk in love, (esteeming and delighting in one another) as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God (for you, so that it became) a sweet fragrance. Ephesians 5:2

Jesus said, "If anyone intends to come after Me, let him deny himself (forget, ignore, disown, and lose sight of himself and his own interests) and take up his cross, and (joining Me as a disciple and siding with My party) follow with Me (continually, cleaving steadfastly to Me)
Mark 8:34, emphasis mine).

Living a disciplined life means laying aside personal feelings, deciphering which choice is most important in God's eyes, and then allowing that choice to take preeminence over the others. As Jesus laid down His life for you, He is asking you to lay down your interests for His greater cause.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 27, July

God Works While You Rest

Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the (action of His) power that is at work within us, is able to (carry out His purpose and) do superabundantly, far over and above all that we (dare) ask or think (infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams). Ephesians 3:20

Being well-balanced means that you don't do too much of one thing and not enough of another. If you go overboard to be disciplined, you can become legalistic, rigid, and boring! Learn to have fun too.

Don't spend the whole day working, but don't be lazy either. Ask God to help you balance hard work and rest. Stop working long enough to be thankful for all God gives you to celebrate throughout the day. As you rest in God, He will continue working in you to help you become all He plans for you to be.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 26, July

Balance Life

Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Lord, and teach out of your law, that You may give him power to keep himself calm in the days of adversity. Psalm 94:12-13

A person who is lazy and passive is not happy. A passive person is someone who wants something good to happen, but who just sits still and waits to see if it does. Successful people live disciplined lives.

First Peter 5:8 says, "Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times." The devil would like you to go overboard in some area, but stay steady and God "will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthn, and settle you" (v.10).

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 25, July

Discipline Brings Success

But if from there you will seek (inquire for and require as necessity) the Lord your God, you will find Him if you (truly) seek Him with all your heart (and mind) and soul and life. Deuteronomy 4:29

Proverbs 5:23 says that a person "will die for lack of discipline and instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray and be lost." That doesn't necessarily mean that a person will die immediately, but a lack of discipline leads towards deathly situations.

In his book A Pursuit of God, A. W. Tozier said (paraphrased) that God puts a desire in us to seek Him. But we have to discipline ourselves to seek Him. We can become too passive waiting for God to initiate a relationship with us. If you want to have a successful life, discipline yourself to seek God every day.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 24, July

Be Thankful

Be happy (in your faith) and rejoice and be gladhearted continually (always); be unceasing in prayer (praying perseveringly); thank (God) in everything (no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks), for this is the will of God for you (who are) in Christ Jesus (the Revealer and Mediator of that will). Do not quench (suppress or subdue) the (Holy) Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

Be thankful for everything, and be careful not to quench the Holy Spirit by complaining, or you will lose your joy. You can be gladhearted no matter what your circumstance are.

Renew your mind to God's ideas and attitude
Romans 12:2 Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God-what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.

If you spend time in God's presence, you will think differently about yourself, and about the people around you. You will have the mind of Christ, and be full of His love.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 22 & 23, July

Look To What Is Unseen

Clothe yourselves therefore, as God's own chosen ones (His own picked representatives), (who are) purified and holy and well-beloved (by God Himself, by putting on behavior marked by) tenderhearted pity and mercy, kind feeling, a lowly opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, (and) patience (which is tireless and long-suffering, and has the power to endure whatever comes, with good temper). Colossians 3:12

When you pray for other people, it may seem that they get worse before they get better. The devil wants to discourage you from believing that God is answering your prayers. The apostle Paul said that he learned not to be discouraged even when going through terrible trials. He said to look to the things that are unseen, not to the things that are seen
2 Corinthians 4:18 For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on things that are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts for ever.

Keep believing, and the power of the Holy Spirit will fill you with joy and peace until you are overflowing with hope.
Romans 15:13 May God, the source of hope, fill you wih all joy and peace by means of your faith in him, so that your hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Always trust God to answer your prayers.

Ignore Distractions

And when they raised their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. Matthew 17:8

Our own flaws can distract us from keeping our eyes from Jesus. If we think too much about what is wrong with us, we will forget what God can do through us. If we look too much at what we lack, we will forget to be thankful for what we have.

The Bible says to look away from all that will distract us from focusing on Jesus
Hebrews 12:2 Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right-hand side of God's throne.

If your faith begins to waver, quickly get your eyes on Jesus, who is the Source of our faith and the Incentive for your belief. Remember how He endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame of it, for the joy of winning you to Himself. He promises to bring your faith to maturity and perfection.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 21, July

God Is Always Working

Furthermore, brethren, we beg and admonish you in (virtue of our union with) the Lord Jesus, that (you follow the instructions which) you learned from us about how you ought to walk so as to please and gratify God, as indeed you are doing, (and) that you do so even more and more abundantly (attaining yet greater perfection in living this life). 1 Thessalonians 4:1

In 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Paul wrote, "When you recieved the message of God (which you heard) from us, you welcomed it not as the word of (mere) men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe (exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it") (emphasis mine).

The Bible says that God's Word works in those who believe it. So no matter what you see today, believe that God is working on your breakthrough.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 20, July

Do Your Best

But if anyone should sin, we have an Advocate (One Who will intercede for us) with the Father --(it is) Jesus Christ . . . And He (that same Jesus Himself) is the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins, and not for ours alone but also for (the sins of) the whole world. 1 John 2:1-2

You are responsible to people, but God has not made you responsible for their joy. You may have children, or siblings, or a spouse God has given you to love and nurture who seem uninterested in your testimony. Some people just refuse to be happy, so don't let them steal your joy.

You cannot fix anyone, and you shouldn't take the blame for everything that goes wrong in someone else's life. Obviously, you cannot make everybody you know believe in Jesus. But you can get up every day and do your best, and then trust God for the rest.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

God's love

Dr Philip Lyn

God's love is not to condemned you

God's love is not to dissapoint you
*Love conquers all
*God is GOOD TO ME all the TIME

God's love will bring a miricle in your life
Romans 8
"nothing could separate your from the love of Christ"
*God traps you because of his love
*God is speaking in your heart
-Do you have wax in your ear?
-Do you have an artificial hearing aid?

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 19, July

Stay Stable

The (uncompromisingly) righteous shall flourish like the palm tree (be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful); they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon (majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible). Psalm 92:12

James 1:12 says, "Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive (the victor's) crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him."

Don't get upset if somebody gives you a hard time today. Don't get upset if you don't get your way, or if somebody says or does something you don't like. If you are set up for an upset, stay stable -- it is only a test.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 18, July

Enjoy Ordinary Days

They who sow in tears shall reap in joy and singing. Psalm 126:5

Our days in the kingdom of God are like seeds scattered upon the ground. We must continue to sleep and rise, night and day, while the seeds that we sow through our words and deeds sprout and grow and increase

Mark 4:26-28 Jesus went on to say, "The Kingdom of God is like this. A man scatters seed in his field. He sleeps at night, is up and about during the day, and all the while the seeds are sprouting and growing. Yet he does not know how it happens. The soil itself makes the plants grow and bear fruit; first the tender stalk appears, then the ear, and finally the ear full of corn.

Most days are not full of excitement, and some days are more difficult to endure than others. But we can enjoy the ordinary and the challenging days of our lives. As the earth produces first the blade, then the ear, and finally the full grain in the ear, so will our lives produce a great harvest from our faithfulness in sowing righteousness.

Continue to do what you know is right to do, and enjoy this ordinary day. You are one day closer to a joyful harvest.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 17, July

Go with the Flow

Brethren, for this reason, in (spite of all) our stress and crushing difficulties we have been filled with comfort and cheer about you (because of) your faith (the leaning of your whole personality on God in complete trust and confidence). 1 Thessalonians 3:7

Go with the flow, and stop being anxious about things that may never happen. If you really trust God, you don't need a backup plan. Faith means that you have peace even when you don't have all the answers.

Life will always be stressful if you constantly try to rearrange it. For example, getting upset in a traffic jam doesn't get you out of it any sooner. But planning for obstacles will inspire you to leave a little earlier for you appointments and keep you from hurrying. Grow in wisdom, and place high priority on keeping your peace in spite of any jams you get into today.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Paul's Words

"Go to this people and say,
You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving."
For this people's heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.'

Acts 28:26-27

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 16, July

Experience His Joy

Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:18 KJV

God created us with the ability to laugh, so we must need to laugh. The Word says, "A happy heart is a good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing" (Proverbs 17:22). Jesus said that His joy would be in us so that we may experience His delight; He wants to fill our hearts with His gladness
John 17:13 And now I am coming to you, and I say these things in the world so that they might have my joy in their hearts in all its fullness.

Jesus wants us to experience His joy, not just preach about it, or read books about it. He wants us to experience His joy.

Joy greatly depends on how you view life, so if you need help getting your sense of humour back, ask God to show you the lighter side of life today. Don't hesistate to laugh when you suddenly feel joyful; you will quickly find that joy is very contagious.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 14 & 15, July

Joy Makes You Strong

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried. He is a Shield to all those who trust and take refuge in Him. 2 Samuel 22:31

Nehemiah 8:10 says, "Be not grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold." Being happy and joyful makes you strong, and being mad or sad makes you weak. But the Lord is a Shield, and the Lifter of your head
Psalm 3:3 But you, O Lord, are always my shield from danger; you give me victory and restore my courage

Satan isn't after your joy, he is after your strength. The devil wants you too weak to pray. He wants you worn out and burned out. But the Lord will lift your head and shield you from the devil's plot against you, if you put your trust in Him.

One Day at a Time

My God, my Rock, in Him will I take refuge; my Shield and the Horn of my salvation; my Stronghold and my Refuge, my Savior- You save me from violence. 2 Samuel 22:3

Trials can come like a freight train--one car after another, after another--but eventually the last car passes. When problems seem unceasing, remind yourself, "This too shall pass."

Deal with one rial at a time in the power of the Holy Ghost until each series of events is over. God will give you fresh anointing daily to handle everything that comes into your life.

Each time you endure a tough day, you can sleep it off and start again the next day. So you may as well enjoy the tough days too, because God's favor is for a lifetime; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning
Psalm 30:5 His anger lasts only a moment, his goodness for a lifetime. Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 11,12,13, July

Enjoy Whatever You Are Doing

And there you shall eat before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice in all to which you put your hand, you and your households, in which the Lord your God has blessed you. Deuteronomy 12:7

I used to hate waiting in the airport, but Dave always wanted to arrive early. I finally changed my mind. It is amazing what happens when you decide to enjoy God every day. It is easy to get so caught up in all your responsibilities that you forget to enjoy what you are doing.

You can get so busy raising your children that you forget to enjoy them. You can get so caught up in cleaning your house, trying to pay for it, and remodeling it, that you forget to enjoy it. But you can learn to enjoy God so much that no matter what you do today, you can truly say, "I enjoyed it."

Don't Worry

For You make him to be blessed and a blessing forever; You make him exceedingly glad with the joy of Your presence. Psalm 21:6

It is a learning process to keep the devil from stealing your joy, because he constantly tempts you in new ways to lose your peace. If Satan gets your peace, then he will get your joy. Be strong and resist his temptation to make you worry.

The Word says that God gives riches and possessions, and the power to enjoy them. To accept our appointed lot and to rejoice in our work is the gift of God. We won't remember seriously the days of our life, because the tranquility of God is mirrored in us
Ecclesiastes 5:19-20 If God gives a man weath and property and lets him enjoy them, he should be grateful and enjoy what he has worked for. It is a gift from God. Since God has allowed him to be happy, he will not worry too much about how short life is.

Determine that from this day forward you will do everything you can to keep your peace and enjoy your life.

Truimph Over Troubles

Moreover (let us also be full of joy now!) let us exult and truimph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and harship produce patient and unswerving endurance. Romans 5:3

Some days it seems that everything goes wrong, one thing after another, after another. Don't just talk to yourself, saying, " I just can't take anymore of this." Don't talk to your friends, saying, " I just can't put up with anymore of this."

Don't struggle with the same tests day after day; instead, talk back to the devil as Jesus did
Luke 4:1-13 Jesus returned from the Jordan full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the desert, where he was tempted by the Devil for forty days. In all that time he ate nothing, so that he was hungry when it was over.
The Devil said to him, "If you are God's son, order this stone to turn into bread."
But Jesus answered, "The scripture says, 'Man cannot live on bread alone.'"
Then the Devil took him up and showed him in a second all the kingdoms of the world. "I will give you all this power and all this wealth," the Devil told him. "It has all been handed over to me, and I can give it to anyone I choose. All this will be yours, if you worship me."
Jesus answered, "The scripture says, 'Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!'"
Then the Devil took him to Jerusalem and set him on the highest point of the Temple, and said to him,"If you are God's Son, throw yourself down from here, For the scripture says, 'God will order his angels to take good care of you,' It also says, 'They will hold you up with their hands so that not even your feet will be hurt on the stones.'"
But Jesus answered, "The scripture says , 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
When the Devil finished tempting Jesus in every way, he left him for a while.

If you feel your peace and joy slipping away, talk out loud to Satan. If he is trying to steal from you, say, "Forget it, devil; you are not getting me upset today!"

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 10, July

No Matter What

For you shall go out (from the spiritual exile caused by sin and evil into the homeland) with joy and be led forth (by your Leader, the Lord Himself, and His word) with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

Peace is not dependent on circumstances. Our peace and joy are found in the Holy Ghost. Jesus said :

He who believes in Me (who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me) as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow (continuously) springs and rivers of living water. But He was speaking here of the Spirit, Whom those who believed (trusted, had faith) in Him were afterward to receive (John 7:38-39).

No matter what is going on today, you can drink from your own well of joy through the indwelling presence of God's Spirit.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 8, July

The Key To Joy

And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through (separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God); and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete (and found) blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah). 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Righteousness is a key to enjoying every single day of your life. Being in right relationship with God is available to us simply through our faith in Jesus Christ. That security gives us peace through every situation, and having peace brings joy.

The Word says to listen with expectancy to what God the Lord will say to you, for He will speak peace to His saints (those who are in right standing with Him), and those who don't turn again to self-confident folly
Psalm 85:8 I am listening to what the Lord God is saying; he promises peace to us, his own people, if we do not go back to our foolish ways.

Before making plans today, listen for God's voice to make sure you follow His peace for your day.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 7, July

Joy Unspeakable

Now to Him Who is able to keep you without stumbling or slipping or falling, and to present (you) unblemished (blameless and faultless) before the presence of His glory in truimphant joy and exultation (with unspeakable, ecstatic delight). Jude 1:24

I used to be so miserable when I went to bed that I wished it was time to get up. And when I got up, I was still so miserable I wanted to go back to bed. I was under the curse of not obeying the voice of the Lord or serving Him with joyfulness

Deuteronomy 28:15-48 "But if you disobey the Lord your God and do not faithfully keep all his command and laws that I am giving you today, all these evil things will happen to you;

"The Lord will curse your towns and your fields."

"The Lord will curse you by giving you only a few children, poor crops, and few cattle and sheep."

"The Lord will curse everything you do."

"If you do evil and reject the Lord, he will bring on you disaster, confusion, and trouble in everything you do, until you are quickly and completely destroyed. He will send disease after disease...

Obedience to God fills our lives with so much joy that we don't even know how to talk about it. The Bible calls it "joy unspeakable and full of glory" (1 Peter 1:8 KJV).

Experience the joy of being in God's awesome presence. Start you day by praising God for your blessings, and worshiping Him with a heart ready to serve Him.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Monday, July 6, 2009

Investigating a joyfull life in spite of a global economic downture-Contending with discontentment

Rev Ricky Ho

21st July 2009

*Everything is relative!
*Sometimes we don't know how well off we are until we see the other side of things

*1 of the greatest causes of believers not having joy in their lives is a lack of contentment
*Contentment is an illusive commodity today
*We all fall for the world's lies about the secret of contentment
*does not lie on wealth but old attitude toward what the Lord gave us already
v. 12 -Contentment does not lie on wealth

3 greatest causes of discontentment
1. Unmet expectation
2. Unrealistic cravings -crave for what we don't have
3. Unresolved insecurities-upbringing
*Serious prob

1. v.11 -contentment is a learned state
Paul said that he had to "learn to be content"

Numbers 6:24-25-did not touch on prosperity but presence of God with us

2. Contentment comes from learning to appreciate what we have in Jesus Christ
Paul says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Look to the Lord is good or bad times

4 Practical steps
Conclusion - to become a more contented person
1. Learn to act better than you feel
2. Refuse to compare yourself with others
We have been blessed in so many ways
3. Accept the way they are and don't let them expect what you want that person to be
4. Accept things as they are and not like you would like them to be.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Fellowship: C-ship or W-ship?

We are all without
We are at war within
We are at war with the devil

Type of ship
Cruise ship
*To please passengers-seeking self-passengers
*Purpose of minds/purpose
*No work R & R for passengers goal
*Short term direction of journey
*Different direction or destination for different passengers
*Crews exist to please passengers
*Unguarded holiday mood
*Presence attacks
*Self will of passengers
*Many commanders and officers
*Some role of passengers

*Built for war
*Presence of seeking greater good
*All in 1 mind, united in 1 purpose
*All work
*Long term duration of journey
*Same for all on 1 board ship
*All serve one another
*Ever in giant, combat mode
*Presence defers
*All wills are subject
*Many self volunteers, one commander
*Many different roles.

A fellowship of

Fellows on Trinity Ship-Cruise Ship of War Ship?

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Day 6, July

Clean Up

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:1-2

Have you ever gone on a cleaning rampage to straighten up your home or office? Did you enjoy pitching junk, straightening objects, and organizing materials so that you could find them when you need them?

You may need to get on a Holy Ghost rampage and do the same thing with your life. Say, "I've had enough bondage. I've had enough negative thoughts. I've had enough of the lies of the devil. I am not going to have any more bad days. I am not going to be discouraged, depressed, or despondent. I am going to enjoy my life!"

Jesus is ready to help you live life to the fullest!

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Celebrating God's Faithfulness with Praises & Prayers

Rev Ricky Ho

5th July 2009

*Many seek God at the rock of their lives but very few thank God at the pride of their lives
*2 Samuel 7 (Nathan's message to David) David had the time of his life. He honors God with his best
*Thanksgiving pleases the heart of God

3 things
He praise for Greatness
v18: Then King David went into the Tent of the Lord's presence, sat down and prayed. "I am not worthy of what you have already done for me, Sovereign Lord, nor is my family.

*David did not see himself as a high and mighty king, but considered him 1st and foremost, God's servant.
*He rose from obscurity to opportunity
*David fondest name for himself was the title "Your (God's) servant."
*Never be ashamed to say you are a servant of God (Its the best name!)
*He blessed God and was blessed by God
*Moses and Job also received the highest honor
*When we humbled ourselves, God elevates us just as he did when David defeated the Moabites, Edomites etc.
v9: I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have defeated all your enemies as you advanced. I will make you as famous as the greatest leaders in the world.

He praises for Grace
*God bless us not because we are nice, but He is NICE
*We are where we are because of the grace of God
*Tassle of love:-
David wanted to build the house of the Lord
The Lord wanted to bless his generations
*David's thoughts were always with his children
*He never sought for personal glory

He Praises For Goodness
*David's people were slaves
*Israel was only blessed because they were chosen by God

*Position, Power, Pride, Property and Prosperity are to be achieved in a certain extent
*Wealth found in security of political power, worldly status or physical property
*True security-Knowing you are His servant
*True success-Acknowledge the 3 G : Greatness, Grace, Goodness

So let's come as we are to praise Him!

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Day 5, July

Set Priorities

Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days (of my life) were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:16

Be determined to enjoy the abundant life that Jesus Christ desires for you to have. The devil will always try to set you to get upset. The busy activities of today's society can make life seem like a blur. Most people have a lot of stress, continuous pressure, and really too much to do.

Set priorities. Start your day with God. Be determined to follow His lead all day, and you will enjoy every day of your life -- not just on weekends, vacations, or sunny days when the weather's perfect. Walking with God will give you pleasure and relaxation even when things aren't going your way.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 4, July

Pamper Yourself

Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God. Psalm 42:5

God gave you your emotions, so it doesn't work to ignore them completely. You make a big mistake if you refuse to meet any of your emotional needs. If you are tired, you need rest. If you are stressed, you need some fun.

If you need encouragement, spend time with someone who knows how to build you up. Don't ignore your emotional needs in the name of Chistianity. You are a whole person --body, soul, and spirit
1 Thessalonianians 5:23 May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being-spirit, soul, and body, -- free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God will show you how to be strong in all areas of your life.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 2 & 3, July

Follow God's Priorities

The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

Many people try to feel spiritual by obeying religious laws. But they never get around to feeling good, because there is always one more law to follow. That is why God does not define our righteousness by our works, but by our faith in Jesus. We feel inner peace when we obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.

God may tell you that it is more important to give away your favourite personal possession, than to try to please Him by reading the Bible through in a year. He may say that it is more important to just remain silent, if He tells you to, than to volunteer for every activity at church. His ways are not our ways
Isaiah 55:8-9 "My thoughts," says the Lord, "are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours.
So learn to listen for His direction each day.

Have Fun

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Romans 14:17-19

Everything in your life doesn't have to be serious in order to be spiritual. If you are filled with God's Spirit, whatever you do has a spiritual connotation to it. You can live a holy life, and still enjoy your day.

God measures holiness by how quick we are to obey His voice. He promises that goodness and mercy will follow us if we seek His presence
Psalm 23:6 I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life; and your house will be my home as long as I live.
He may even encourage you just to have fun today.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 1, July

God's Plan Is Greater

For the law of the Spirit of life (which is) in Christ Jesus (the law of our new being) has freed me from the law of sin and of death. Romans 8:2

The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of sin and death. We are free from the law of sin and death only to the degree that we follow the law of the Spirit. If we know what is right but insist on doing wrong, our actions may lead us to miss out on the abundant life God has for us on earth.

Follow the law of the Spirit, and you will remain completely free from the law of sin and death. The Holy Spirit will lead you into holiness, into righteousness, and into the complete destiny that God has for your life. God's will for you is greater than anything you can imagine for yourself. Be willing to obey God even when you don't understand what He is doing with you.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**