Monday, February 14, 2011

Growing is NOT an option

Uncle Cho Hui


2 Peter 3:18: But continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be the glory, now and for ever! Amen.
2 Peter 1:5-8: For this very reason do your best to add goodness to your faith; to your goodness add knowledge; to your knowledge add self-control; to your self-control add endurance; to your endurance add godliness; to your godliness add brotherly affection; and to your brotherly affection add love. These are the qualities you need, and if you have them in abundance, they will make you active and effective in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

*Spiritual growth
*Imperative gives an idea of command
*Growing is an on-going process which is not an option
*We have to keep on growing even in heaven because God is infinite
*We are imperfect and have hindrances preventing us from growing
1. The idea that we think were too old or young to learn
*But in reality, we neither too young or old.

2. We think were smart enough, and do not need to grow anymore

3. We think we are too busy, hence no time to grow
*1 Corinthians 15:10: But by God's grace I am what I am, and the grace that he gave me was not without effect. On the contrary, I have worked harder than any of the other apostleas, although it was not really my own doing, but God's grace working with me.

*Grace is what God gives to a person
*The best way to show is through spiritual gifts
*Grace is also what God does to a person
*What are the things we should do so that God can do something for us?
*Humble and contrite heart = spiritual discipline and transform you to be a little bit more caring, loving and so on.
*We should think spiritual discipline as efforts of making space for grace

*We as Christians cannot say we don't want to grow in knowledge and in spirit
*We must hear and obey, mold and apply
*We need to do something and follow up such as attending some good beneficial workshops or courses:)

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

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