Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Greatest Stone Movers

Rev Ricky Ho

Easter Sunday


Mark 16:3: And early in the morning you say, "It is going to rain, because the sky is red and dark." You can predict the weather by looking at the sky but you cannot interpret the signs concerning these times!

*The kiasu spirit
*we put hope in children, husband, but in the discipes, they put hope on Jesus but their hope was shattered when Jesus was crucified on the cross
*Some of us put hope in our business, but we fail. Children may put hope on parents and vice versa
*It takes many people to open the tomb as the tomb is inclined
*There are stones that hinder us from coming to God
*Someone who is able to roll the stone out of your way and give you freedom

5 stones he removed
1. Stones of discouragement
*No matter how spiritual we are, we will face challenges
*When certain dreams go unfulfilled or our hopes are shattered, it is discouraging, sometimes devastating
*Problems in career, pornography, relationships you can escape. Only God can help
*Maybe that stone represents your kiasu spirit

2. The Rock of fear (Kiasu)
*All the 12 disciples that were picked abandon Jesus Christ when he was crucified.
*They feared and hid behind close doors.
*Do you have a fear of rejection that keeps you from sharing your faith?
*Or a fear of intimacy that prevents you from having any meaningful relationship?
*Maybe a fear of failure that thwarts every attempt to try anything new
*Whatever challenges we meet, whatever obstacles we face, we do not have to be afraid because we are not alone
*Jesus is the healer. The Risen Christ removes the fear from us.

3. The Stone of Doubt
*Thomas was a skeptic, but he certainly wasn't the only person to doubt the Christian faith
*A good skeptic who finds the truth will know the right way
*There's nothing wrong to be skeptical as long as we get evidence along the way

4. The Stone of Defeat
*Peter failed Jesus when it counted the ost
*Do you know what's it like to fail?
*He was ready to quit
Matthew 4:19: Jesus said to them, Come with me, and I will teach you to catch men."

John 21:22: Jesus answered him, "If I want him to live until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!"

*Peter had a second chance
*We have a God of second chances, who rolls away the stone of defeat

5. The Stone of Death (Kiasi)
*Death is unescapable
*Everyone will finally encounter death
*Jesus conquered death through his resurrection and offers to do the same for you and me
*Eternal life, immorality.

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

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