Monday, September 14, 2009

The Lordship of Christ

Dato' Daniel Tay


Mark 2:1-14,23-28
A few days later Jesus went back to Capernaum, and the news spread that he was at home. So many people came together that there was no room left, not even our in front of the door. Jesus was preaching the message to them when four men arrived, carrying a paralysed man to Jesus. Because of the crowd, however, they could not get the man to him. So they made a hole in the roof right above the place where Jesus was. When they had made an opening, they let the man down, lying on his mat. Seeing how much faith they had, Jesus said to the paralysed man, "My son, your sins are forgiven."

Some teachers of the Law who were sitting there thought to themselves, "How does he dare to talk like this? This is blasphemy! God is the only one who can forgive sins!"

At once Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said to them, "Why do you think such things? Is it easier to say to this paralysed man, 'Your sins are forgiven', or to say, 'Get up, pick up your mat, and walk'? I will prove to you, then, that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins." So he said to the paralysed man, "I tell you, get up, pick up your mat, and go home!'

While they all watched, the man got up, picked up his mat, and hurried away. They were all completely amazed and praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"

Jesus was walking through some cornfields on the Sabbath. As his disciples walked alog with him, they began to pick the ears of corn. So the Pharisees said to Jesus, "Look it is against our Law for your disciples to do that on the Sabbath!"

Jesus answered, "Have you never read what David did that time when he needed something to eat? He and his men were hungry, so he went into the house of God and ate the bread offered to God. This happened when Abiathar was the High Priest. According to our Law only the priests may eat this bread- but David ate it and even gave it to his men."

And Jesus concluded, "The Sabbath was made for the good of man; man was not made for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."

In the last verse, it says Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath= authority=conqueror
Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us!

*Academic Authority
*Military Authority
*Economic Authority
The Lordship of Christ

*Authority over sin and sickness
*Authority over sinners in bondage
*Authority over religious rules

1. Authority over sin and sickness
Job- He was covered with sores and everything was taken away =he must be a sinner
In the new testament, the man who was crippled, was he a sinner or was his parents sinners that made him crippled?

But God has authority over sin
He can take all our lives and change
Thats where the crippled man got up, took his mat and left=his sins are forgiven
God only can forgive sins=but people do not believe, they think He (Jesus) was blaspheming

2. Authority over sinners in bondage
He was the lowest of lowest= a tax collector
*A jew= a traitor= scum for the country
*calls us to leave his victorious life
*he left- but gain clean hands
*something that would bring joy to people

We need to listen to our Lord
*God is not deaf, why do you think God is not hearing?
*the problem often is with US
*hardly hear the voice of God is when we don't go to church
*what do we hear when God speaks?
*If we keep our sins, God's voice will be like thunder
*You will hear God when we have an intimate relationship with him

3. Authority over religious rules
*We must have joy in our hearts to fast
*Sabbath rules are very absurd nowadays
*Sabbath is to enjoy the presence of the Lord
*Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath=Lord over rules

1. Paul's 1 thing
Philippians 3:13 Of course, my brothers, I really do not think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead.
He achieved so much but still pressing (Press on)
*Not spiritual there yet
*Press on what God wants to use about me

2. Mary's 1 thing
Luke 10:42 but just one thing is needed. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from her."
Martha had so many distractions but 1 thing needed is to spend time with the Lord regularly

3. David's 1 thing
Psalm 27:4 I have asked the Lord for one thing; one thing only do I want: to live in the Lord's house all my life, to marvel there at his gooness, and to ask for his guidance.
David committed sin but was remorseful
*David's one thing is to dwell in the house of our Lord

What is our 1 thing?

Is there 1 thing more important than wealth, health, fame?

It must be the well being of our souls at the end of the day.

The song- it is well with my soul
(the well being of my soul)
It determines where we spend in eternity

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

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