Monday, December 13, 2010

The Greatest Gift Yet To Be Opened?

Pastor Ricky Ho

2 Corinthians 9:15: Let us thank God for his priceless gift!


*Christmas is a time of giving
*One gift that fits all is Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour
*The Gift we all need, the most valuable gift of all, is that baby in the manger
*We shouldn't just give leftover gifts to the needy
*Christmas is a time to remember this indescribable gift
*The giver is important to thank God with
*The Christmas story tells of God's gift of his son to save all people from sin and lostness fits all, for all need to be saved
*This one gift fits all because:
1. This is God's gift
2. This Gift is glorious
3. This Gift is generous

1. *Scripture- God is mentioned almost a dozen times as the wellspring form whom all our ability to provide, to give thanks, and to be generous comes.
*We have at our disposal all of God's power
*Let us remember the quality of the true gift and the true meaning of Christmas
*In God's eternal plan, there is faith, repentance, salvation, eternal life, and the presence of the Holy Spirit

2. Greek word translated 'indescribable' can be translated as meaning unspeakable or inexpressible
*In everything we do, we thank God
*God, in Christ, did something beyond human comprehension and understanding or ability to express
*His Gift is beyond the capacity of human words to describe or express
*God can use ordinary men as an instrument for the glory of God

3. Men can be so cruel without the grace of God but Jesus Christ compressed all our sins to the cross
*God is marvelous
*It is a gift that could originate only in the mind of God
*God's gift is completely out of his grace and is given without regard to the receiver's worth
v15: Let us thank God for his priceless gift!

*John 3:16: For God so love the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have eternal life.

* We should relate this relevant verse everyone remembers
*God is not deaf. God knows the no of hairs in our heads, every minute detail and yet, he gave us his own gift.
*It is a gift of eternal value and is absolutely unobtainable under any circumstances except by freely receiving it from God by his grace.
*This gift is the amazing grace of God

*Many of us have been receiving the gift but keeps it in the shelf
*This Christmas should be a time of reflection
*Take him in your life today
*What better season to renew our peace and love with Jesus Christ

**Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path**

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